Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Finding Strength in the Inevitable...

Only one thing is inevitable. This one thing is also the thing humans tend to have the hardest time with. Change. Change is inevitable and it seems that when ever change is upon us we resort to unhealthy survival tactics. Change is the one constant. It is the only thing you will ever be able to truly depend on in this human experience. Why is it we fear the one thing most dependable in our lives. In turn we should be embracing change and making it work for us. When times are dark you should feel empowered to know that it will not last forever. Nothing is forever. Change is the one thing that always brings me through the rough times. On that note the good things are not forever either. BUT there is a way to make those not so pleasant changes more tolerable. Allowing and flowing. The minute you put up the "stop signs" when something good in your life is changing you have instant sent a vibrational message out to the universe that is a very dark, fearful, negative color frequency. If you are sending out this frequency you are going to start putting more obstacles in your path and make the change much harder and more painful than initially intended. It is when we fight and rebel against change that makes the fear so pronounced. If we can embrace change and flow through the situation by allowing what needs to unfold transpire we have instead sent out a totally different color frequency of acceptance. When this frequency is sent out into the universe the energy that returns is much easier to deal with and in time by simply allowing the universe gives us exactly what it is we need. We have desires and we have needs. We often desire the exact opposite of what we need and the universe truly knows what is best for us and will make it happen if we like it or not. When the universe makes our future unfold we can choose if it will be bumpy or smooth. So in some aspects we have free will but in other aspects what is meant to happen will happen. Our human minds "think" and does not necessarily "understand" what is truly transpiring. Once we can being to embrace the inevitable and flow through change we will ultimately be much happier in our existence. Resistance never really wins but allowing will win every time. It all boils down to frequency and intent. Have faith and go with the flow. It will all be ok in the end. Change is good. You know all the "clichés", catch phrases, and supposed inspirational quotes....now take those words and find the true strength in them.


  1. I love your writing and message, couldn't agree more!

  2. Wow! Very inspiring & intriguing and really left me in deep thought! Thank you for sharing your gift & for always continuing to inspire me! I will embrace.......continue having faith & go with the flow as to not mess with the Universe and what will be! Love you friend <3

  3. Jahnny great hearts feel alike!
    Anonymous I am merely reflecting...::hugs:: friend <3
    Kezya thank you and will certainly check out your blog! Come back again and feel free to share my posts!
